park jibber low


Lofsdalen's parks have a large range of jumps of varied severity. You will find everything from wide junior boxes to 12 meter long rails, Rainbow, Battleship, Flat down and flat rails and boxes just to mention a few.

The parks are designed to maximise both excitement and safety. If you want to have some serious fun and learn cool jib skiing, then the Jib school is for you.



This is the line for you if you want to improve your park skiing. The jumps allow for sufficient ”hang-time” to do your first 360° landing. They are designed as table tops (approx 3-5 m), which reduce the risk of falls.


This line is for skiers who are after a real challenge. The jumps are bigger (approx 10-13 m) with more difficult rails.


The Adventure is a 1.9 km long natural fun park with ravines, jumps, paths and several exciting challenges. This is ideal for training of balance and ski control.


This park has been designed for children and beginners who want to learn how to jump and rail in a protected environment. The park lies adjacent to the Loffe lift.

  • Junior rainbow box (5 m)
  • Junior battleship box (6 m)
  • Junior flat box (5 m)

I samarbete med DOPE

Vi är superglada att kunna presentera vårt samarbete med Dope denna vinter. Dope är med och lyfter vår park och sponsrar bland annat med grymma priser till vår Slopestyle-tävling som körs för barnen varje onsdag under säsongen.

Oavsett om du är nybörjare eller proffs är du välkommen att vara med och visa dina skills – och kanske kamma hem ett pris från Dope!