The weather in Lofsdalen can change so it is advisable to check the local weather forecast before you head out on the slopes or into nature. If possible, let somebody know where you are going and when you expect to come back. The nordic winds and snowstorms are often underestimated therefore it is recommended to inform yourself beforehand and prepare necessary clothes and equipment.

The snow depth is measured at the Lången Express Lift at 880 a.s.l.

For current status visit the Snow Report

Opening hours 2024/2025

At 09.00-16.00
Lången Express, Loffeliften, Snölandet and Toppen Express

At 09.00-15.00.
Bergliften, Tvären, Mellanliften and Skogsliften.
from week 6 -> at 09.00-16.00

Season end April 21, 2025


Piste map