
Lofsdalen bike map

Lofsdalen's cycling is available in three areas.

1. Lofsdalen Fjällpark MTB is a family-friendly mountain biking area with several miles of trail networks and breathtaking views. You can access it by taking the Lången Express lift or parking at the top of Hovärksvägen near Hovärkensspårcentral.

Lofsdalen Fjällpark MTB karta norra sidan
Lofsdalen Fjällpark MTB

2. On the southern side of Lofssjön, you will find Stenrutsleden MTB, Vildmarksleden MTB, and Pilgrimsleden MTB. You can bike to this area from Lofsdalen village or park at Västvallens spårcentral on the southern side of Lofssjön. Follow the road signs towards Västvallen.

Cykelkarta södra sidan 2021
South side of lake Lofssjön

3. Lofsdalen Downhill offers family-friendly downhill biking, perfect for beginners but also with great trails for advanced riders. Park at Lofsdalen's mountain resort and take the Lången Express lift.

Downhill karta
Downhill Lofsdalen