
5 cross country trails you can't miss in Lofsdalen

Bodil Åslund works at the trail company Lofsdalsspår that is in charge of Lofsdalens nordic ski- and snowmobile trails. She spends most of the winter making the conditions as good as possible for the village's visitors. Here she lists her top 5 ski trails you can't miss during your stay. 

1. Lussileden

The Lussileden is by far our most beautiful ski track and takes you up the Calf mountain with mountain peaks in a 360 degree view. Pure recreation for both body and soul.

2. Gyllene triangeln

This is a fantastically beautiful and pleasant training loop, which offers a perfect warm-up on the upper Strådalsleden before the more demanding ride up Kvarnåsen and the upper Hovärksspåret. The fact that the training round is framed by fantastic mountain views gives it an extra dimension.

3. Sömlingshågna runt

The beautiful cross country trails of the southern mountain side. The feeling at the moment when the passage of the Pass opens up and allows the eye to meet the mountain expanses of the southern side is indescribable. Lofsdalen's own donut place - a memory that you must take with you from here.

4. Petterssonspåret

For those of you who want to train and accumulate miles before a long race, e.g. the Vasaloppet - I recommend this track. The structure and undulations of the longitudinal track give a good "Vasalopp feel".
TIP! Feel free to combine the Pettersson track with the Hovärks track to get a maximum training round!