

Im südlichen Härjedalen, mitten in Schweden, liegt Lofsdalen. Ein Dorf in unberührter Fjällnatur.

Projekt Vision Lofsdalen - En resa mot framgång

Vi är glada att kunna meddela att Projekt Vision Lofsdalen nu har nått sitt slut. Det har varit en fantastisk resa fylld med framgångar, lärdomar och ovärderliga erfarenheter. 

Först och främst vill vi rikta ett stort TACK till alla inblandade. Ett särskilt tack till alla företagare som finansierat projektet genom företagarföreningen. Vi är även tacksamma för det stöd och samarbete vi fått från Region Jämtland Härjedalen, Tillväxtverket genom ERUF medel och Härjedalens kommun. Utan er hade detta projekt inte varit möjligt.

Under projektets gång har vi uppnått flera betydande framgångar:

- Mountainbikeleder: Vi har framgångsrikt byggt 23 km mountainbikeleder, vilket har förvandlat Lofsdalen till en cykeldestination av rang genom Lofsdalen Fjällpark MTB.
- Panoramaleden: Vår stolthet, Panoramaleden, vann pris och har blivit en favorit bland både lokalbefolkningen och besökare.
- Unika Vindskydd: Våra arkitektritade vindskydd har blivit en ikon för Lofsdalen. Dessa unika konstruktioner erbjuder en plats att njuta av naturen året runt och har blivit ett nytt resmål i sig.

Vi är stolta över vad vi har uppnått tillsammans och ser fram emot att fortsätta bygga på dessa framgångar. Även om Projekt Vision Lofsdalen nu är avslutat, kommer arbetet att fortsätta. Vi kommer att fortsätta arbeta med Lofsdalsmodellen i olika former, framförallt genom frukostträffar. Dessutom kommer vi att fungera som kontaktperson för de som önskar flytta till Lofsdalen, för att stödja och vägleda dem i deras beslut.

Tack igen till alla som har varit en del av denna resa. Tillsammans har vi skapat något speciellt för Lofsdalen, och vi ser fram emot att fortsätta detta arbete tillsammans med er. 


Lofsdalen is associated with things like tranquility, family-friendliness, unspoilt nature, peacefulness, traditional, rich wildlife and experiences. Our major attractions are alpine skiing, cross-country skiing and snowmobiling in winter and hiking, fishing and cycling in summer. 

In winter, Lofsdalen is a well-established destination that attracts both visitors and cabin owners. We are working on the challenge of attracting more guests and cabin owners during the calendar weeks 2-6 and 11 until Easter. During that time, we will invest more in events and find other target groups than active families with children, for example with weekend trips for seniors, persons with disabilities and others. 

The summer in Lofsdalen has seen an increase in visitor numbers in recent years, but we are still far from the number of guest nights we have in the winter time. 

Diagram över antal gästnätter
Skillnad i antal gästnätter sommar vs. vinter

To increase the number of guests during the summer, we looked at our three holiday attractions hiking, cycling and fishing to see which ones are best to invest in.  

We realized that cycling was really popular, and that more and more of our visitors bring bicycles in the summer.


This increase in the number of bicycle tourists also shows in the statistics when it comes to the number of bicycles sold. Between 150-200,000 cross country bikes are sold in Sweden each year, of which approx. 1000 are downhill bikes. This can be compared to the number of downhill skis sold at about 90,000 per year. 


During the feasibility study that forms the basis of the Vision Lofsdalen project, we also visited Trysil, which is the destination that has invested heavily in cycling tourism. Thanks to their investments in cycling and infrastructure for cyclists, their entrepreneurs have managed to employ 77 people year-around. That is a fantastic target that we would like to bring with us into this project. 


When we understood how at an investment in cycling could benefit Lofsdalen, we started to look at unique places with low altitude difference where we could invest in an area with cycling trails inspired by Trysil. We identified our current cycling areas and saw that we lacked an area for active families with children. 


With Lofsdalen's strengths in mind, we wanted to find an area where we could offer our visitors Lofsdalen's fantastic views and nature. That's why we chose an area above Lofsdalen Panorama. Here we have a level area in fantastic mountain terrain with outstanding views. We would also get two access points, both from the parking lot at Panorama and from the ski lift Lången. 


Thereby, this area is linked to Lofsdalen Bike Park and can offer our visitors a full day experience with both trail cycling and lovely flow trails down to restaurants in Lofsdalen village. 

The new area will have a central part surrounding a hub with fun activities for the whole family. Here there will be pretty windshields, a barbecue area, a natural playground and green bike trails perfect for all types of bikes - even balance bikes. Between the parking lot at Panorama and the descent on the Lången lift, we will create a broad trail where everyone can hike and cycle and where it is easy to bring both strollers and wheelchairs. This trail (marked with orange on the map of the area) will also pass a hotel site where there is the opportunity to invest in Lofsdalen's future high mountain hotel. 


Our wish is to create an area with sustainable trails that can be used both in summer and winter time. Therefore, the trails will also be used for snowshoeing and skiing - hence the name multi-trail. 

In this area we will create approx. twenty km of bike trails. The focus will be on blue trails that everyone can ride on, but we will also have several very simple trails and also some more difficult ones. The trails are designed to be sustainable, with the emphasis on blending in with nature and meandering through the area organically. 

To achieve really good results, we will hire some of the world's best team designers who will shape the area and work with a team on site. We will work on first drying the soil and then reintroducing peat to maintain the beautiful environment. 


The project will also invest in creating bike paths between the cabin areas in order to be able to offer bike in / bike out. By providing bike paths down to Lofsdalen village, we can increase the turnover of our local business owners as an average bicycle tourist spends four times more money per day than a skier. 

Karta över Lofsdalens cykelområden
Karta över Lofsdalens cykelområden

Karta över Panorama Bike & Hike
Karta över blivande cykelområdet


The Lofsdalen model was developed in several workshops with entrepreneurs in Lofsdalen. The Lofsdalen model is based on three pillars which together will create more jobs and more entrepreneurs for Lofsdalen. 

Pillar 1 of the model is to create a meeting place for the companies in Lofsdalen. Through natural meetings between the companies, we can improve the business climate in Lofsdalen. These networking meetings will create better cohesion and more collaborations, as well as help further develop companies' offerings and services. 


Pillar 2 is about identifying and gathering business ideas needed in Lofsdalen. These business ideas will then be used to attract entrepreneurs to Lofsdalen during various fairs, meetings and more.


Pillar 3 will gather expertise from our cabin owners and involve the cabin owners who want to join a knowledge bank that everyone in Lofsdalen can benefit from. Lofsdalen's cabin owners are very important for our continued development, and many cabin owners can also imagine working for shorter periods and sharing their knowledge to develop our companies. This can include marketing services, discussions about additional sales, product development, e-commerce and more. There are also cabin owners who are entrepreneurs and investors who may want to both invest in Lofsdalen and move their businesses here. In this model we will pay a lot of attention to the cabin owners as they are the best ambassadors for Lofsdalen, to see how we can make Lofsdalen a place where you want to spend more time. 

Lofsdalsmodellen 2019

Expression of intererest Lofsdalen model

Are you interested in joining the Lofsdalen model? You may be looking for a job and wonder what it is like to work and live in Lofsdalen where the main focus is on quality of life, you may be an entrepreneur who sees opportunities to create a business in a growing mountain village or an investor who is curious about what opportunities there are to discover in Lofsdalen. Feel free to contact us by mail or phone and we will tell you more. 


Cabin owners who want to get involved and help make Lofsdalen develop an even better relationship with you who are our best ambassadors and / or want to share some of your skills and can imagine helping our business owners for shorter periods - we want to hear from you. 


Fjäll greetings,


Helena Fjellgren 
Project Leader Vision Lofsdalen
070-33 44 274

Stugägare ni har möjlighet att pendla från Lofsdalen till Stockholm/ Mora / Gävle 

Vi har flera stugägare som stannar allt längre perioder i Lofsdalen för att arbeta och samtidigt uppleva riktig livskvalité.  För er finns det möjligheter att enkelt ta er till ert arbete när ni behöver med något av alternativen ovan.

Vi arbetar hela tiden med att göra det bättre för er att kunna stanna längre perioder hos oss och just nu finns det möjlighet att skriva ut papper och använda scanner på Destination Lofsdalen. Här kan ni även boka konferenslokal om ni behöver, Café Gamla Skolan mitt i Lofsdalen by har även utökat sin verksamhet och har nu ett lugnare rum - perfekt för att sitta och arbeta och samtidigt njuta av en god lunch eller fika. Det finns även möjlighet till pendelparkering i Lofsdalen by, kontakta Helena Fjellgren för mer information. 

Vi har just nu ett utvecklingsprojekt igång som heter Lofsdalsmodellen som handlar just om hur vi ska få stugägare att stanna under längre perioder samt att vi vill kunna ta tillvara på era kompetenser. 

Är du en stugägare som arbetar från Lofsdalen - då vill jag gärna höra från dig. 

Kontakta gärna projektledare Helena Fjellgren om ni har synpunkter kring hur Lofsdalen kan göra det möjligt för er att bo och leva här under längre perioder. 

Helena Fjellgren
070-33 44 274 


Vision Lofsdalen is a project worth SEK 10.7 million. To make the project possible, we have received 50% financing from the Growth Agency via the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund), the Jämtland Härjedalen Region has invested over three million SEK in the project, and the project is also financed by community funds and Härjedalen Municipality. The member companies of the association contributed SEK 900,000 and SEK 1,000,000 in kind (man hours and machinery). 

Logga Region Jämtland Härjedalen

Logga EU tillväxtverket

Logga Lofsdalen